The project „e-UW - development of e-services of the University of Warsaw related to education” is co-financed from the funds of the Regional Operational Program Mazovia Voivodeship 2014-2020. The project is being implemented in 2016-2019.
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Please select a registration you're interested in. This will allow the system to display an offer more suiting your expectations.
There can occur many registrations at the same time In the IRK system. All of tchem are visible on this page. Registrations may have different didactic offers, rules of qualification or didactic cycle in which the offered studies will take place. You will find more info on each registration by clicking on its name.
Registrations can have the following status:
open - candidates may apply for studies within this registration,
on hold - applying for studies is temporarily put on hold but will be possible in near future,
finished - registration has been finished, applying is not possible.
Registrations are conducted in phases. A phase can be:
ongoing - applying for studies is possible,
upcoming - the beginning date of a phase hasn't come yet, applying for studies within this phase is not possible,
finished - the finishing date of a phase has already passed, applying for studies within this phase is not possible.